Typical Reasons Why Your Child May Need To See A Podiatrist As An Amateur Skateboarder

28 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog


If you have been looking to pique your child's interest in the outdoors by introducing a new activity to their life, you may consider a skateboard to keep them outside! While skateboarding is by no means a new sport, it remains relevant since it is both fun and allows for a degree of freedom. Nevertheless, as with any other sport, skateboarding presents the risk of being injured. And while this sport entails the use of various athletic abilities, your child's feet are typically at risk of acquiring an injury. Read on to learn a few of the typical reasons why your child may need to see a podiatrist as an amateur skateboarder.


When skateboarding, a substantial degree of pressure is exerted onto the knees, ankles and feet of your child. If they are skateboarding regularly and tiring out as many tricks as possible, they could end up developing tendonitis due to the overuse of these body parts. Fortunately, the pain caused by tendonitis can be relieved via RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) and the podiatrist will prescribe pain medications such as ibuprofen. Take note that if the symptoms of tendonitis are not addressed, such as stiffness and swelling, then the affected leg could be at risk of a sprain. Therefore, your child must rest and only get back to skateboarding after full recovery.

Plantar fasciitis

This foot problem will arise when the heel is exposed to continual repetitive motions that, in turn, lead to excessive stress in one particular area. During skateboarding, your child will have to grip the board with their toes. The strength of the grip coupled with holding the position for extended periods will cause stress on the arch of the foot as well as the heel, which leads to plantar fasciitis. In addition to professional reagent from a podiatrist, your child should engage in calf strengthening exercises that will help with balance.


Neuromas are a common foot problem experienced by individuals that overpronate, which refers to rolling the foot forward excessively. When you consider the stance that your child takes when they are on their skateboard, you will notice that they are at a higher risk of a neuroma since their foot is likely rolling toward the arch. Overpronation caused one of the nerves in the foot to become pinched causing inflammation and pain in the foot. A podiatrist will not only prescribe pain relief medication but will also engage in strengthening exercises for the arches of the feet.