Understanding a Diabetic Podiatrist Visit

30 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Before visiting a diabetic podiatrist, you should know what to expect from them so you will not get surprised. You might find out that you have foot ulcers because diabetic patients can often develop them. This is why seeing a diabetic podiatrist is worth it. They will discuss with you what the serious consequences are if you do not take care of your feet. Diabetes can also decrease blood flow in your feet. If this happens, healing from a foot injury will be hard and an infection can occur. Get more information here:


You should call your podiatrist if you see any cuts or breaks on your skin or if you have an ingrown nail. You should also inform your podiatrist if you notice changes in the shape and colour of your feet. If your feet also feel different, contact your doctor. People who have diabetes are more prone to foot problems, which means that you are going to need a foot care specialist.

If you need a diabetic podiatrist, the specialist will do a complete foot exam yearly to check for problems. You may also develop foot ulcers, which is common in diabetic patients.

Why You Develop Foot Ulcers

Foot ulcers develop on diabetic patients and there are two complications that are linked to it. You could have reduced sensation of the skin on your feet and the blood vessels that go to your feet could get narrow. The nerves may not function normally because even a little change in blood sugar level can cause diabetic neuropathy, which is when you have damaged nerves. Your diabetic podiatrist will tell you how to handle this and what can be done to avoid it from developing.

Diabetic Foot Care

To avoid losing a toe, your diabetic podiatrist will give you some tips on how to care for your foot or feet. You may be advised on how to do daily foot/feet inspection, bath them in lukewarm water, put moisturiser on your feet except between the toes and cut your nails carefully. You may also be informed to always wear clean and dry socks. Your diabetic podiatrist will tell you that socks are ideal for diabetics because of the added cushioning, non-elastic tops and the fibres wick moisture away from the skin. The most important thing that the doctor will tell you is that you should keep your blood sugar levels controlled.

A diabetic podiatrist will help you prevent or handle foot complications caused by your condition. Every time you visit their clinic, they will give you sound advice on what to do.